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Stop Should
Intentional Living Jenny Lee Intentional Living Jenny Lee

Stop Should

While it may not be possible right away for stop using the word should, at least start noticing when you do use the word and what your thoughts and feelings are around the topic at hand when you do say it.

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How to Maximize Your Blogging and Content Marketing Workflow
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

How to Maximize Your Blogging and Content Marketing Workflow

In a soundbite and popcorn-brain technology-driven world, it can be difficult to be able to focus and to generate high quality content for your blog, especially when writing or mapping out a project plan or outline for something. While it's taken me quite a long time to be able to perfect my own blogging workflow, the process I've developed has been incredibly helpful for productivity. (Note: I know my process is far from perfect, but it's miles from where I started.)

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9 SEO Best Practices for Bloggers: Tips to Increase Your Traffic
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

9 SEO Best Practices for Bloggers: Tips to Increase Your Traffic

A lot matters with your blog's SEO. Knowing how to implement SEO best practices can help your blog rank higher in search results. You put in a ton of work to write awesome posts, so it's best to go the extra mile and make sure your post is well-suited to get discovered by search engines! In this post, I talk about the importance of content, regularity, keywords, titles, headings, length, links, images, and networking in terms of good SEO for your blog.

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