6 Moves in 4 Years

If there's going to be anything to inspire you to become a minimalist, it will be moving 6 times in 4 years.

I recently discovered that my interest in minimalism started in 2005, but that's beside the point.

Because I frequently forget how many times I've moved in the past few years, I'm going to give you a brief overview of my situation.

Move #1: California to Home, June 2013

In 2013, I filed for divorce and moved out of our new house in southern California. Because I was moving from a house—a place where I thought I'd be for the rest of my life (or at least close to it)—I had a lot of shit.


Not to mention I was at the pinnacle of my crazy consumerism. I shopped on Amazon almost every day and was constantly ordering deals from Hautelook and other sites. I was getting makeup and beauty product samples delivered to the house frequently for my beauty blog and YouTube channel, too. (The YouTube channel is now defunct to avoid any embarrassment on my part.)

I got rid of a lot. I didn't take any furniture with me. If I remember correctly, these are the only boxes I shipped back to my parents' house in Pennsylvania.


I set up camp in one of my old bedrooms (I was a spoiled only child). It was uncomfortable and a difficult adjustment. I was going from being a married adult living in a brand new house to living at my parents' house again.

I made do.


Move #2: To Natalie's Apartment, July 2013

Not soon after I moved back to the east coast from California, I decided to move in with my best friend Natalie. She had a recently-vacant bedroom in her (super pimp) apartment in center city Philadelphia.

I moved in during Independence Day weekend in 2013. Weirdly symbolic.

I loved that bedroom! Plus living with my best friend in center city post-divorce was so fun.


Move #3: To My Own Studio Apartment, March 2014

I ventured out on my own in March 2014 and found a sweet studio apartment in the heart of center city Philly.

This was my first time living alone—ever! And I loved it.


Move #4: Out To The Suburbs, December 2014

Later in 2014, I moved to the suburbs for a job. It was noted by my friends that I managed to have two housewarming parties in one year.

It was quite a change, moving from a studio in the city to an almost-3 bedroom two-story apartment in the suburbs.


I believe I managed to accumulate a bit more stuff in this apartment, but Beans' dad and I stayed relatively minimal still.


Move #5: Over to New Jersey, October 2015

When I was pregnant with Beans, his dad and I moved to New Jersey in October 2015 so we could be closer to his job (I quit mine).

This was one of the easier moves for me, because I had a pretty legit excuse not to do any heavy-lifting.


We settled into the small house nicely.

Living and dining room of NJ house 2015

Nursery of NJ house 2015

Move #6: Back to PA, May 2017

I moved back to PA in May 2017. Just me and my tiny roommate. Things ended as quickly as they began for me and Beans' dad.

I found a really great apartment a few minutes away from my parents and my new (now old) job. Spacious, with lots of natural light.


Move #7: Coming Soon

Things are moving forward for me and Beans. We'll probably be moving into center city Philadelphia in early 2018 so I can be closer to my new job. That will be 7 moves in 5 years. Phew!

I've been doing a lot to prep, like a Deep Declutter. Just when I didn't think I had a lot of stuff, I found a TON of stuff to get rid of by selling, repurposing, or donating.

Most people hate moving. I never minded it a lot. But now that I have even less stuff, I don't mind it at all. Minimalism win.

Hopefully move #7 will be it for a while!

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6 moves in 4 years: being a minimalist definitely made it easier

Jenny Lee

Jenny is a writer and artist. Mama, minimalist, journaling enthusiast.


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