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DIY hand lettered coloring book page
Creativity Jenny Lee Creativity Jenny Lee

DIY hand lettered coloring book page

It's super easy and so fun to create your own coloring book page! I just launched this course on Skillshare: make sure to check it out and enroll in my newest Skillshare class. This can be whatever you want it to be. For my coloring book page, I started by hand lettering my newborn son's name with block lettering. All I used to do this was a Sharpie marker and printer paper. Then I began to add illustrative and doodle-y details with the sharpie. Next up is digitizing, vectorizing, printing, and finally coloring!

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Creativity Jenny Lee Creativity Jenny Lee

Create simple watercolor wash backgrounds

There are so many things you can do with watercolor backgrounds: hand letter on top of them, cut them out and make some mixed media art, digitize them and use them as watercolor textures, and more. In this video I'll show you a few methods to create easy watercolor backgrounds for your projects, using simple tools that you may already have lying around your house.

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My Bullet Journal Setup for Blog and Business Planning
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

My Bullet Journal Setup for Blog and Business Planning

I am keeping all of my life in one bullet journal, including personal, blog, and business stuff. If I had multiple bullet journals I feel like I would be overwhelmed! I'm glad to have everything in one place, so I hope it works out in the end. While I'm using my bujo for everything in my life, this post will be focused on how I'm using my bujo for my blog and business.

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Copyright Basics for Artists
Creative Business Jackie Jade Creative Business Jackie Jade

Copyright Basics for Artists

It’s important for anyone who creates original work to know the basics of copyright law in the United States (check out your county’s individual laws if you’re from outside of the United States). You’ve taken the time to create something unique and original and you don’t want others to just take your work and profit off of it without your permission, right? Of course not! So let’s learn the about copyright law for creatives now, so we can all keep our work protected.

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Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

Make your own hand lettered blog header: design tutorial in Photoshop

Creating your own hand lettered blog header is a lot easier than it sounds. Plus, it's fun! There's something super rewarding in getting your hands dirty and creating your own blog graphics. There are a lot of hand lettering styles you can try to create your blog header. For this tutorial, I'll be working with the popular handwritten style, because I think it's a great personalized option for lifestyle blogs. Learn how to add black and white lettering, or even colorize your work to match your blog's color scheme!

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Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

8 Must-have blog graphics for your blog's visual branding

Whether you're just starting a blog or you're looking to redesign your blog, it's important to have a few basic graphics and images in place. After you choose your perfect color palette that truly represents who you are, you're ready to move on to your graphic suite. In this post, I'll go over 8 must-have graphics for your blog: header, logo (yes, these are different!) favicon, a blog stamp, a title image template, a blog post signature, a unique sidebar about box, and sidebar buttons for featured posts.

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