Why I Cancelled Netflix

I'm actually still subscribed to Netflix as I start to write this post. I've been carefully considering cancelling Netflix for about a week now. I don't like to sit on these decisions for very long, because there's a likelihood I'll chicken out.

Here are the reasons I'm cancelling Netflix.

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I'm On A Cancelling Kick

If you've been here before, you know I just cancelled Amazon Prime.

I don't miss it. I don't miss Prime shipping, and I don't miss the Amazon-exclusive TV shows and movies.

I guess you could say I'm on a cancellation kick. While I'm lucky enough not to have an extremely tight budget, I am trying to re-allocate some monthly and yearly expenditures to go towards bigger and better things. Saving that money for now.

Well really, $10.59 per month is hardly a savings. That's only $127.08 saved per year. But it's not really all about the money….

I Am Not Watching Netflix (A Ton)

Last year and earlier this year, I plowed through Grey's Anatomy at record speed. To defend myself, I was recovering from post partum stuff, and I was a stay at home mom during this time. I'm not proud of it. But it happened.

After I moved out to my own place, I still felt the urge to watch TV shows at night and during my lunch break (I'm lucky enough to be able to walk home for lunch at this current moment).

That urge has decreased drastically, partly because I finished with some of my shows. But also partly because I'm just not enjoying watching TV anymore.

My Parents Aren't Watching Netflix

When I signed up for my own Netflix account, I felt generous in giving my parents login rights too under their own user.

Turns out they aren't watching either.

TV Just Isn't Doing It For Me Anymore

I tend to pick up a new show to binge watch as soon as I finish another one.

I started watching Shameless a month or two ago. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn't really care what happened in the show. I'm just not invested in the characters.

Before Watching TV

Before watching, I'd kind of just turn towards TV as the thing to do because my brain was fried. I felt bad because I felt like I should be reading or doing something else. But I let it slide.

During Watching TV

During watching, I realized I wasn't even enjoying it that much. Hmm.

My mind wanders often.

I will grab my phone and realize I'm not even paying attention anymore.

More and more often, I think, "this is a pretty dumb plot line".

After Watching TV

After watching, I started to notice more and more that I never thought about the shows outside of watching them.

I took note that TV shows and Netflix movie dives just didn't affect my life in a positive way anymore. I used to practically live for a late-night Netflix movie dive, priding myself in the weird (and usually depressing) indie movie I found. In my most recent expedition, I was wildly disappointed.

I'd Rather Be Doing Something Else

I'd rather be talking to a person.

I'd rather be reading.

I'd rather be writing.

I'd rather be picking up my ukulele that I swore to myself I'd touch more this year.

I'd rather not tempt myself with a Netflix binge and food coma numbing fix.

At the risk of sounding preachy, I'd rather be more intentional with my free time.

When I Do Want To Watch TV

I do have a backup plan. In all honesty, I'm still watching two shows because I just can't let them go: Grey's Anatomy and This Is Us. I'm borrowing my parents' cable account to watch those two shows on my Apple TV.

Two hours of TV per week is ok with me. I'll let it slide. If this is still true, Americans average 5 hours of TV per day.

And when I don't have those two shows? If I really want to watch TV, I will go to someone's house and watch TV with them. Make it a social event.

And if I want to watch a movie, I'll go to Redbox or something. Or go to the theater.

Okay, I've Convinced Myself

Yep, I've convinced myself in writing this post. I don't need Netflix. I'll gladly save my $10 a month. Cancelling now.


What's your relationship with TV and movies? Could you do without Netflix?

Cover photo by jeshoots.com

Honesty Update: May 2018

Since I wrote this post, we do have Netflix in the house.

When Chris moved in, he already had Netflix and he shares it with his family. So by default, we had a Netflix account again.

I should mention: I still don't go on Netflix binges (though I am waiting for the latest season of Grey's Anatomy to come out so I can catch up on it since I let too much time pass on the other app).

Chris and I will (try to) watch the occasional show on Netflix (looking at you, Ali Wong). But we decidedly suck at watching TV together; we usually end up falling asleep.

Thanks to the suggestion of my future sister-in-law Ashlee, I will sporadically turn on Sarah and Duck for Beans. It is the most calming and cute British animated show.

Okay that's really it. Just wanted to come clean.

Jenny Lee

Jenny is a writer and artist. Mama, minimalist, journaling enthusiast.


The Deep Declutter


Beans the Minimalist Baby