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How to Choose a Branding Palette To Match Your Personal Style
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

How to Choose a Branding Palette To Match Your Personal Style

Color palettes are extremely important for the visual branding of your blog or website. It can immediately convey the mood of your site as well as hint at your target audience. A color palette can set you apart or cause you to blend in.

In this post, I'll share tips on how to choose a color palette for your blog that matches your personality, and I'll explore the reasons behind my own blog-recolor choices!

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How to Argue Yourself Happy
Intentional Living Jenny Lee Intentional Living Jenny Lee

How to Argue Yourself Happy

There's something so simple about happiness that is always true but is hard to remember. We can hang motivational quotes and snippets around our house, on our desktop backgrounds, on sticky notes on the fridge, but ultimately there's nothing more reassuring than reading a passage about happiness.

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The Importance of Design Reviews: Giving Criticism and Getting Feedback
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

The Importance of Design Reviews: Giving Criticism and Getting Feedback

If you're a designer, there's always room for you to improve. It doesn't matter if you work at an agency, if you work for yourself, or if you are somewhere in between; developing your skills and taste as a designer is important to maintain your value. Always be growing! Giving and getting feedback can be awkward or painful. Here are tips for giving and getting feedback on your creative work.

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