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No, I Haven’t Found My Passion Yet
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

No, I Haven’t Found My Passion Yet

I recently published a post that was titled "What it looks like when you've found your passion". Let me be clear, my creative world isn't bundled up into a neat little package. I want to be real with you guys. While I've certainly found several things that I consider myself very passionate about, my creative future is still very hazy to me.

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Regarding experts
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

Regarding experts

As long as we share valuable and real knowledge, we're contributing to the greater good of the community. We just have to remember that most people are in that fuzzy grey area and take it all with healthy skepticism. But that shouldn't stop us from learning and spreading knowledge when we can.

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Just Wing It
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

Just Wing It

Put yourself out there. And if you're worried about perfectionism or appearing amateurish or whatever, just remember that your hard work pushes you in front of the crowd already. Plus, everyone else is just winging it.

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Home Workspace and Desk Tour - 2014
Creative Business Jenny Lee Creative Business Jenny Lee

Home Workspace and Desk Tour - 2014

Early last week, I decided to rearrange parts of my apartment because I felt like a change of scenery would help with productivity. Whether or not that is just an old wives tale or not, I feel like it helped! I was inspired by a friend's recent desk tour post and wanted to share my new at-home work area. Enjoy!

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