Minimalism Defined: It’s Not What You May Think

Minimalism causes a lot of people to run away screaming, “I could never be a minimalist!” But let me reassure you that minimalism is not deprivation.

In fact, minimalism brings abundance.

In this post and video, I’ll explore with you a new definition of minimalism, what minimalism isn’t, what it is, and what it can bring to you.

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  • Do you want to see how minimalism can bring you abundance and time, energy, love, and money?
  • And I know that sounds super gimmicky, but let's explore this a little bit. Let me share with you my very uncommon definition of minimalism in that it is not about deprivation. In fact, minimalism can bring abundance.
  • In this video, I'm going to be exploring my definition of minimalism a little bit more and sharing with you what minimalism isn't, what it is, and what it can bring you. And no, I will not be telling you to declutter all of your worldly possessions and sit in a white walled room in one chair with one outfit to your name. So stick around.
  • Hey, I'm Jenny, I'm a minimalism mentor, and I run Hello Brio, a community of conscious creatives and entrepreneurs. Nothing brings me more joy in life than helping people find their truest version of themselves through minimalism principles.
  • So first what minimalism isn't. Well, let me just go ahead and say that people think minimalism is so extreme because it is in fact poorly named. When you look at the definition of minimalism, it talks about a simple approach to life and living, which sounds cool. But then you start looking deeper into that definition and "minimalistic tendencies" have a stripped down approach to life and living. And, no, that doesn't inspire confidence for a lot of people.
  • But let me just say that minimalism is not about stripping everything away from you, the experiences you love, the people you love, and the things that you love. In fact, it can be quite the opposite.
  • When people think about traditional minimalism, they go into defense mode and think, "Oh my gosh, I could never do without X, Y, or Z,"" but minimalism is not a one size fits all solution and it looks different for everyone.
  • So in terms of what minimalism is, it looks different for everyone, like I mentioned, but also keep in mind that a lot of minimalists are somewhat countercultural and that by living in intentional lifestyle, we're all questioning consumerism and the status quo, et cetera, in order to live a life that feels good to us.
  • Minimalists tend to be very picky about what they bring into and keep in their lives, whether it's physical items, events, people, et cetera, and usually minimalists have a very specific reason as to why they began and are continuing on their minimalism journey.
  • For example, minimalism allowed me to discover what is truly important to me and helped me see that I was wasting a lot of time and energy in my early adulthood. I spent so much time and money just trying to find the next thing that would help me to feel like a whole person.
  • So in terms of what minimalism can bring you, let me come full circle and repeat myself by saying that minimalism is not about deprivation and that it can bring abundance. Minimalism can bring you freedom. It can show you exactly what you're passionate about, and it can bring you a sense of true self and identity.
  • I love teaching this concept through my Millionaire Minimalist Mindset (TM) framework with people I work with.
  • Just know that removing the clutter from your life, whether it's physical, mental, spiritual, or social, you will be making space in your life for the things that truly matter to you.
  • Again, in closing, I just want to make sure that this is very clear. Minimalism is not about deprivation, and it looks different for everybody. I would love to know what your definition of minimalism is. So share that in the comments below. If you found this video helpful, make sure to send it to a friend and thank you so much for watching. I will see you next week.

I recently explored this topic in depth over at my friend Joshua Becker’s site, Becoming Minimalist, so I won’t go too far in the weeds about it here.

Key takeaways for my new and uncommon definition of minimalism

I just want you to remember these key points:

  • Minimalism looks different for everyone

  • It’s not about decluttering all of your worldly possessions and living in a stripped down version of your life

  • Minimalism can bring you freedom, clarity on your passion and purpose, and can help you discover your true self and identity

  • By removing the clutter from your life (physical, mental, social, or spiritual), you make space for what’s most important to you

  • You can vastly improve your life through minimalism principles

If you want to work together in a 1:1 coaching capacity to learn more about how minimalism can help you find a better sense of inner calm and peace, get in touch with me. Nothing brings me more joy in life than helping others find their truest version of themselves through minimalism principles.

After reading this post and watching the video, could you consider yourself a “minimalist”? What does minimalism look like for you?

Jenny Lee

Jenny is a writer and artist. Mama, minimalist, journaling enthusiast.

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