Just Wing It

The best advice I've gotten recently and have started following as often as possible is just to wing it.

This takes a couple different forms, whether it's "always be shipping" even if it's only at 90%, or launching before you're ready. I explored this idea in another recent post, mentioning that everyone's got to start somewhere.

But I want to marry these ideas together and make sure I say it explicitly: Put yourself out there. And if you're worried about perfectionism or appearing amateurish or whatever, just remember that your hard work pushes you in front of the crowd already. Plus, everyone else is just winging it.


Melissa Cain and Jessica Williams of the minimalist podcast The Mind Palace were just talking about this:

I think we're all just winging it. I don't think any of us really know what we're doing. We're just trying to concentrate on the next thing.

Anyone who acts like they're not (winging it) are just good liars and shitty friends.

By building your presence in your passion, whether it's with your blog, brand, art, work, etc, you are already consistently improving yourself with each project.

Well, provided you have a critical eye on your work. Which I'm sure you do.

Quick PSA: The one area not to wing it? Going on a long walk and forgetting to pee beforehand or forgetting a snack in case your blood sugar drops. Fair warning.

Have you winged it lately, and how did it work out for you? Do you feel like you're held back from perfectionism?

Cover photo by The Creative Exchange

Jenny Lee

Jenny is a writer and artist. Mama, minimalist, journaling enthusiast.


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