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Natural Remedies for Anxiety Relief
There are many homeopathic and natural ways to help alleviate your feelings of anxiousness via herbs, spa treatments, and even solutions as simple as altering your daily routine.

I Get High Every Morning Before Work
I get high every morning before work. I look forward to my morning routine more now than ever before. I dedicate a good half an hour to something that makes me incredibly happy, and it has extra added benefits too.

People and Things: Everything is Temporary
People come in and out of your life. Enjoy them while they are there. In the end, all you really have is yourself.

How to Argue Yourself Happy
There's something so simple about happiness that is always true but is hard to remember. We can hang motivational quotes and snippets around our house, on our desktop backgrounds, on sticky notes on the fridge, but ultimately there's nothing more reassuring than reading a passage about happiness.

What is your definition of happiness?
What are times in your life where you remember experiencing pure and complete happiness?