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Making the Ethical Move in Marketing
Marketing gets a bad rep because it’s usually associated with being intimidating, deceitful, or inauthentic. Here’s how to market your business in an ethical way.

Top 3 Copywriting Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)
When going through copywriting reviews, there are three glaring mistakes I usually see: “I-centric” copy, confusing copy, and having too many calls to action. These are the copywriting mistakes I see everywhere and they make my brain hurt! But the great thing is that these are easy to fix, whether you hire a copywriter or not!

How I Make $5K Monthly—2 Months After Becoming a Freelance Copywriter
I joined the Filthy Rich Writer’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy course in April 2020, when I was making about $500 per month in my side job. By May, I made $3,500. June, July, and August, I made over $5,000 with my newfound copywriting skills. Here’s how I’m making $5,000 a month consistently.
Content Marketing Helps You Achieve Growth Mindset
Abundance mindset is when you believe there's unlimited potential and plenty of money to be had by all. This mindset isn't just some bogus, woo-woo mental space. You see others out there achieve and surpass their goals. Guess what? They've tapped into a growth mindset, and evergreen content marketing can help you get there.

How to Maximize Your Blogging and Content Marketing Workflow
In a soundbite and popcorn-brain technology-driven world, it can be difficult to be able to focus and to generate high quality content for your blog, especially when writing or mapping out a project plan or outline for something. While it's taken me quite a long time to be able to perfect my own blogging workflow, the process I've developed has been incredibly helpful for productivity. (Note: I know my process is far from perfect, but it's miles from where I started.)

9 SEO Best Practices for Bloggers: Tips to Increase Your Traffic
A lot matters with your blog's SEO. Knowing how to implement SEO best practices can help your blog rank higher in search results. You put in a ton of work to write awesome posts, so it's best to go the extra mile and make sure your post is well-suited to get discovered by search engines! In this post, I talk about the importance of content, regularity, keywords, titles, headings, length, links, images, and networking in terms of good SEO for your blog.

How I grew my email list 6x by using content upgrades
I've watched my email newsletter list grow by 10-20 subscribers daily since the beginning of 2015. In this post, I investigate how this is possible despite my erratic posting schedule. In the end—it all comes down to content upgrades! Read the post and download the free list of 15 content upgrade ideas.

I Quit My Job: Here's My Plan for Passive Income
Big changes are coming my way this fall: I quit my job, and I'm relying on my passive income plan! Read the post to see where I plan to focus my energy, what I intend not to do a lot of (client work), and what my financial goals are.

Tips on How to Genuinely Grow Your Blog
My best tips for how to consistently create content, share your content, and make meaningful connections with bloggers and readers.

Increase Your Blog's Engagement on Twitter
In this post, I'll be talking about how to share your content on Twitter the right way, meaning more visibility, a higher chance of engagement (RT's, responses, clickthroughs), and getting the best outcome out of the smallest amount of work.

How to open an online shop
Have you thought about opening an online shop to sell handmade products? In this guest post, my dear friend Chrystina talks about her recent experience diving in and opening an online greeting card shop. She'll walk you through the business and marketing aspects as well as help you think critically through some parts that can be overlooked.

How to look like a professional blogger: 6 Quick tips
Your blog is your baby. It's your creative outlet and your way to express yourself. It's important to look professional on your blog. There are a few quick functional and aesthetic fixes and checks to do just this.
How to choose a blog topic
Choosing a blog topic tends to be the one thing that sets bloggers back the most. How on earth do you choose a topic or topics? Do you want to work with a specific niche topic or do you want to talk about multiple topics?

Does your blog have these 6 critical components?
All great blogs are made up of two key ingredients: the cake and the icing. So, while you need an attractive blog design to avoid repelling visitors, you also need a few critical content components, meaning a substantial cake framework.